Monday 31 October 2011

"You will become what you think about'

I recently listened to an Earl Nightingale recording called "You will become what you think about."
It spoke loudly to my efforts to change my beta victim thinking to alpha strength thinking. I am endeavoring to recognize and think only truth about myself. This recording was a good reality check, I
recommend it ...

Linda Johnson

Wednesday 26 October 2011

October 26 already? How can life pass so quickly? I finally came face to face with step 21 in Althea's book - separation and letting go. it has taken me some weeks of contemplating what this might look lie; suddenly it was time. I had recognized and listed my negative habits/experiences on Slips of paper:blackhole-withdrawal, assumed helplessness, survivor guilt,self-sabotage,clutter examples,
And I wanted to burn them. I went outside to the table on the back deck where I left
My collection of clam shells from summer holiday. I put each slip of paper in the shell
And lit a match and watched it burn. I wrote positive alternatives -love, friends, capable, accepting, accept only truth, etc. On the wooden pegs of the wind chime above my head.
I ended up with two shells full of ashes. I carefully held one over the other and
Walked them to our woodpile in the field and tossed the shells and had the surprising
Satisfaction of watching the ashes blow away in the breeze! I am amazed at how therapeutic
This was!
Now I am realizing there is not an old me to return to,I must internalize a new psychological
Profile, a new me...the hardest part of this journey.

Monday 17 October 2011

A Healing Path for Wombtwin Survivors

It is October 17, it was -3ยบ C when we got up this morning. The wind is urging the leaves off the trees.
I live on the Canadian prairie; when the leaves are gone and snow comes the land is huge and lonely and white as far as the eye can see. This winter will be the first one in my 58 years in which I will carry an
understanding of my wombtwin loss and "the psycic fall out" (thanks, Ed)  that I carried all my life.

Althea Hayton's e-book, "A Healing Path for Wombtwin Survivors"is the guide I am following in my astonishing journey. It is an inspired and remarkable document reflecting light on a path I could not even image a few short months ago. I thank her for her work and encourage any and all to take advantage of it.

Thursday 6 October 2011

Rainy Thursday thoughts

It is Thursday morning, October 6, 2011. The wind is blowing. The rain is coming down.
I return to  this blog to share some more thoughts. One of the first things I did in my wombtwin research last July (after barely discovering the truth behind my pain and anguish)  was fill out Althea Hayton's survey.
I quote my first line, "I have had that 'something's missing' feeling all my life; a lonely dissatisfied feeling that I adapted to because nothing I tried wold make it go away."

And then, I discovered her document, "Toward a psychological profile of wombtwin survivors".
The number one most common trait, 76% strongly agree: "All my life I have felt as if something is missing!"

I knew I was on the right track. If you haven't discovered Althea's research, take the time to follow the links on this blog site. Good hunting! And share your findings with me and others on this blog.

I know I need the support.

We have found out what is missing, we need to acknowledge  and move on.

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Beginning the Journey

My naturopathic doctor made the discovery that I was a wombtwin survivor. It happened only last June.
I had been working with him, or, should I say he had been working with me, for over a year; helping me deal with increasing physical pain that had no source, according to traditional medicine. My quality of life was so diminished that I was near to taking disability leave from my teaching. The moment he suggested that I had a wombtwin I felt a wave of shock and recognition; the familiar dark heavy weight in my heart shifted tangibly to the left (?) and I felt a peace slide in from the right and I burst into tears. I am still in therapy with this fine man, still searching, growing, learning; and looking forward to communicating with other Canadian wombtwin survivors.

Saturday 1 October 2011

Greetings one AND all

The sun is rising on this beautiful October 1st morning, 2011, and I am about to start a new adventure.Thanks to Althea Hayton, we now have beautiful Canadian womb twin blogspot.
I invite one and all, who know they are or think they are womb twin survivors, to joint our community; ask questions, find help and support.

As I am very new to this experience myself, I am certainly looking forward to connecting with this larger community. My own realization came only last June. I have been studying Althea's wonderful materials ever since and riding a "roller coaster" of change.

Welcoming you to the conversation!
A Canadian womb twin survivor,

Welcome to our new blog!

Our special blog for all you womb twin survivors in Canada starts today!  We look forward to exchanging views and news, so do join us and get involved!  You could even join the team and become a blogger yourself!